An explosion can begin with a spark—the ashes from a cigarette or the light of a candle. Did you know that mobile home fires can cause injury to at least 1, 000 people annually, and at least 500 deaths?

Mobile homes are very compact units, making it much easier for one tiny spark to wreak havoc.


Many mobile homes run propane tanks to produce fuel for stoves. Accidents can happen when these tanks rupture or leak, because propane is highly flammable.

If a flame comes into contact with propane vapors that can cause a flash of fire or worse yet, an explosion. Explosions from propane tank explosions can cause severe injuries—burns, in particular.

These are the degrees of burn injuries:

  • First degree: the outer layer of skin is damaged
  • Second-degree: the outer layer and layer under sustains damage
  • Third-degree: burns penetrate all of the skin layers and even damages tissue

Glenda Cochran Associates Attorneys at Law has helped hundreds of victims of burn and explosion injuries. If you are a mobile home owner, we understand your need to do everything you can to keep your home safe.


Burn injuries can be some of the most catastrophic and life-altering types of injuries. If you, your loved ones, or your family members were injured, put our team to work to investigate your case. Attorney Glenda Cochran is an award-winning attorney who provides personalized legal support. She has a network of investigators who are trained to uncover every aspect of the case and pinpoint the exact cause of the accident.

Think you have a case? Call us now and set up a free consultation.


The federal government established a set of laws to regulate the transportation of hazardous materials on commercial trucks. As you drive on the highway alongside a commercial truck, you may not think twice about what kind of cargo the truck carries. Thousands of these trucks travel miles across state lines, and many of them carry highly toxic materials.

Some of these regulations include:

  • A sign must be posted on all trucks to indicate that the truck is carrying hazardous materials
  • All truck drivers carrying hazardous materials must be trained on the cargo’s proper transportation
  • The cargo must be secured tightly to the truck, and handled with extreme caution
  • Trucks carrying hazardous materials may not drive on certain roads.

Truck accidents are already dangerous, but when highly toxic, poisonous, or explosive materials are involved, the results can be disastrous. At Glenda Cochran Associates Attorneys at Law, we advocate vigorously for our clients, no matter how complex the circumstances of the case may be. Led by our experienced and distinguished attorney, Glenda Cochran, who believes in passionate and zealous legal advocacy, she helps our entire legal team advocate and make justice a priority.


“Hazardous” materials are substances or material that may be flammable, radioactive, explosive, poisonous, or corrosive. These can be deadly not only to humans but also to the environment, particularly if a truck overturns or the substances or materials spill all over the road.

Here are some examples:

  • Gasoline
  • Dynamite
  • Propane
  • Ammunition
  • Explosives
  • Some forms of medication
  • Radioactive waste
  • Poisonous gases
  • Infectious substances


Negligence is often the common denominator in most truck accident cases, whether the driver caused it, the driver’s employer, or even due to defects on the road. For example, there was debris on the road or a deep pothole that caused the truck to veer out of control.

Our AV Preeminent® rated attorney, Glenda Cochran, has access to some of the top-notch investigators experts in Birmingham and the country to pinpoint where, how and why the accident occurred. Attorney Glenda Cochran works with these investigators to uncover every detail, and re-create the accident which can later help with developing a strong claim.

If you were harmed by a truck accident carrying hazardous cargo, you might have a case! We urge you to call our office to speak with us during a risk-free, no-cost appointment.

Finding Recovery after an Explosions at Work

We may not hear about explosions in the workplace occurring every day, but when it does happen, it leaves a lasting impact on the entire community, and even onlookers far removed from the incident. An explosion in the workplace is an all-too-common fear for many employees, especially industrial workers who take on the risk of injury and possibly even death.

These occupations are considered to be the highest-risk for injuries from explosions:

  • Construction
  • Mining
  • Chemical plants
  • Manufacturing
  • Oil and gas industry

One study from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), indicates an approximate 5, 000 workers are injured on the job every year. Of those injured, at least 120 were killed by an explosion, according to a study from the National Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries.


All it takes is one spark to come into contact with flammable liquid or gas to begin a fire. Fire travels quickly, it is important that areas containing products or equipment that could explode, be clearly marked and labeled. Furthermore, employees must be given proper training to handle the products properly or defer to a supervisor or more experienced coworker for assistance.

Explosions can cause any number of life-threatening and devastating injuries. One of the most common of these are burn injuries. Burn injuries are one of the most painful types of injuries, and can leave victims scarred and disfigured. Explosion blasts can also cause head injuries, blunt force trauma, internal bleeding, and hurl workers onto walls or equipment.

As we have determined, explosion accidents, while rare, can cause a whole host of catastrophic injuries and even death for many employees in the industrial sector. We urge you to seek legal representation if you, a family member, or a loved one has had their lives disrupted by a work explosion. You deserve justice for the devastation caused and our experienced attorneys are prepared to provide you with the attentive legal support you need to get through this difficult time.

We are committed to finding maximum recovery and justice for your case. If your family has been affected by an explosion accident, contact Glenda Cochran Associates Attorneys At Law today for a consult!

Birth Injuries as a Result of Medical Malpractice

Birth injuries stemming from medical malpractice may be one of the most devastating and emotionally distressing types of cases that we have ever encountered. Not only does it take a thorough understanding of the patient’s legal rights with respect to applicable laws, but also have some knowledge or connection to the medical procedures involved.

Medical malpractice is often linked to the doctor or nurse’s inaction to prevent an accident or another issue that caused the baby’s injuries or death. One of the most common types of birth injuries cases involve brain injuries to an infant. This can happen when the baby is deprived of oxygen, such as in cases where the umbilical cord wraps around the baby, cutting off oxygen delivery. It can also occur due to severe blood loss.

Brain injuries can result in the following:

  • Brain damage
  • Lifelong seizure disorder
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Mental impairment or disability


In a case such as the one we noted above, you might be wondering how can one avoid such an incident, when it does seem to have occurred purely by accident? First, doctors must anticipate complications at any given moment, and also be prepared to respond to them. If the umbilical cord was constricting or entrapping the infant, they might be committing malpractice by failing to recognize this error.

Injuries can also occur during delivery and even afterward. If the doctor is using forceps to assist with delivery and applies too much pressure to the head, then the baby’s nerves can be damaged and result in paralysis of the facial muscles. In some severe cases, paralysis may require surgery to repair the damaged nerves or worse, long-term paralysis.


To prove that malpractice occurred, we must prove that the actions of the doctor, nurse, or other healthcare provider failed to meet the applicable standard duty of care as expected in their position, which then resulted in the injury. Many birth injury cases can be complex cases to litigate, but you may have a solid case due to the fact that the majority of the injuries could have been prevented at the onset.

Glenda Cochran Associates Attorneys at Law are experienced attorneys with more than 25 years of experience advocating for the legal rights of injury victims. If you have a case ready to review, do not hesitate to contact us for a free case review! (888) 906-3955