Study Shows Hospital-Acquired Infections Are Preventable But Still on the Rise

A patient is admitted to the hospital, expecting treatment for one medical condition—and is then forced to extend their stay due to infection. The patient later realizes that the nurse in charge of his or her care did not follow proper sanitation procedures. This is a common story for patients who have suffered from a hospital-acquired infection.

Recent studies from prominent journals and media outlets have shown that hospital-acquired infections are on the rise, with millions of cases reported over the past few years. Hospital-acquired infections are not only harmful to patients but also costly—costing billions of dollars in treatment. Additionally, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about one in every 20 patients who are admitted to hospitals for treatment will develop an infection.


Hospital-acquired infections are one of the most avoidable. They occur when hospital staff improperly follow the procedures for sanitation, safety, and patient care. Luckily, in the vast majority of cases, most conditions are not life-threatening, but patients could be left with long-term, debilitating injuries.

These are some of the most common hospital-acquired infection cases:

  • Surgical infections
  • Respiratory infections
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Bloodstream infections

Bacterial infections are difficult to control because the strains evolve and continuously mutate; this makes them resistant to antibiotics. Medical devices are often put to blame for causing infection, as well. These include catheters, ventilators, and central lines. The second most common cause of infection stem from surgical procedures. Infections require swift treatment; if they go unnoticed or untreated, the condition could worsen and develop into sepsis.

Sepsis is not necessarily an infection, but the body’s reaction to fighting off the introduction of bacteria into the blood stream. They are most harmful to children, the elderly, and those who suffer from chronic diseases, such as HIV/AIDS or cancer.


Our job as Birmingham medical malpractice lawyers is to fully represent victims of injury. We are well-versed in the laws concerning negligence, and we are especially recognized for our ability to handle complex litigation cases such as hospital-acquired infections. We are a highly respected and skilled legal team who has helped countless clients for over 25 years find favorable outcomes and financial recovery.

Let us be your voice and help you find justice. Call our injury firm today for schedule a no-risk, complimentary case consultation!